Monday, February 08, 2010

Tip of the Week #8: Don't chew with your mouth open

This tip of the week is again a cosmetic tip...i'm by no means an etiquette coach or teacher but rather a person that knows what is wrong to do around other people....for gawd's sake (that's the southern accent way to say God) when you're eating around mixed company chew your food with your cotdamn mouth closed...i understand if you're with your boys and yall just chillin but when you're around a female or your moms chew your food with your mouth closed...

the main reason i'm givin this tip is cuz when i'm around some females who chew with their mouth open it aggravates the piss outta me...not cuz its improper it because its annoying to hear someone smackin on their frappin' you allow the chance that food can be ejected from your pie hole which is super close this blog entry, just remember to close your freakin mouth when you chew your damn food...

p.s. - for some reason when people eat chips the crunching noise annoys me too...even when someone chews with their mouth close that noise still annoys me...amazingly it doesn't annoy me when i eat chips



TOPolk said...

PREEEACH! There is no pet peeve that drives me up the wall more than whem people chew with their mouth open. The sound of people's lips smacking against each other while they're chewing makes me want to reach across the table and slap the piss out of them sometimes.

Whew. Man that felt good to say.

CouponWebz | UPrinting Coupons said...

Hmm that's odd. because when i eat chips, it doesn't annoy me also LOL!
It's really funny (and somewhat annoying)when they're eating chips while their mouth is open. and when they start talking, they spray sprinkles of chips haha!

oh. and i chew my food with my mouth closed. :)