Thursday, January 14, 2010

Tip of the Week #6: Handle your alcohol

This is directed not only to girls but also to dudes...there is nothing worse when you're out in the bar, restaurant, club or house party and you have to deal with a drunk, out-of-control retard that doesn't know their limit...its even more aggravating when you have to 'babysit' someone that came with you to the event that's blistered...if you're over the age of 21 you should be able to know you're limit by that age...some (probably most) people started drinking well before the legal drinking age so you should know what you can & can't drink and how much you can & can't drink...

it makes no sense why you should be so drunk to the point of blacking out while walking if you're over for people younger than that i understand your ignorance with the alcohol consumption but older folks, as Ed Lover's famous youtube videos quote "C'mon son! Get the f#%* outta here with that bulls**t"...i don't get aggravated by damn near anything but this pisses me off when i have to deal with someone i don't know acting stupid as all hell or when i have to 'babysit' someone that should control their 'assholish' actions...Remember kiddies-HANDLE YOUR ALCOHOL...

btw, this tip almost sounded like a Random Rant...


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