the first entry is, my fellow male counterparts PLEASE stop being so damn lame...i speak to females from time to time just to hear what come on lines they hear and how dudes approach them....i gotta say i see why most females reject dudes cuz as a whole we are stupid and lame as fuck...now, i don't have the so called 'game' that people associate with when it comes to trying to get a female...my only game is just to hold a conversation with them long enough so they know that i can form a complete sentence and don't sound like a complete dweeb...i really think this is all most females want is for a dude to hold a relevant conversation...
i hear bout dudes spittin wack-ass come on lines or tellin a female from the jump "I'll take you shopping" (she'll take the shopping spree but i guarantee she won't respect you) or in the 1st conversation start talking bout sex (only works with proven jumpoffs, skanks, skips or scalawags)...all i'm sayin just talk with some sense to a female and stop lookin like a lame-ass with your tight skinny jeans, fake hard acting, stupid game spittin, mohawk haircut ass (people get some originality and stop following people)
you forgot skaps... Skanks, skips, skaps and skaliwags
younger brother
It's true... women like men who can carry a conversation. But more importantly, they should also listen. Women are annoyed with men who only do it just to score, btw. Don't even try to fake the interest. Women can smell that, LOL.
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