I haven't ranted about anything for a while but the recent retarded, racist, non-sensible rambling of Hank Williams Jr. on Fox News morning show has sparked my latest post...Monday ESPN decided not to run the popular theme song for Monday Night Football by Hank Williams Jr. because he compared Obama to Hitler...
now let's be perfectly honest here and let it all out, the reason why you see the blatant disrespect to President Obama (not only by the people of the U.S. but by the people in government) is because a man of color is in power...of course you see people against the president's views in every president's term (a factor what makes the U.S. great)...Bush 43 got criticized a lot (rightfully so because of misguided decisions), Clinton was spoken about negatively because of his marital indiscretions (though I don't see how that would have effected his policies and performance on the job. In fact it didn't because we were thriving financially as a country [damn I miss .99 cent / gallon gas]) and Bush 41 was criticized because of his assumed ulterior motives for starting the gulf war...but I've never seen such unbridled hate, ill-advised insignificant criticism against a president...
you hear every other day how people think he's the anti-christ or he's ruining the country when in fact he's trying to implement policies that get 'shot' down regardless of what's in the policy...Fox News and other media says blatant slick racist shit about him way too often...why don't the Tea Party, super right wingers and other detractors just come out and say it "I don't like President Obama because he's black"...you might as well let it out and stop with all the slick backhanded talk...
P.S. - and what do you know Hank Williams Jr. has apologized...you know he's not sincere with the apology...what he said on Fox and Friends is what he honestly felt...I know he's trying to save the gig he's had with MNF for years but really why apologize if its not for real...and who's satisfied with a fake apology (this will be the topic for Random Rant vol. 42-Why apologize)
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