As i sit here and contribute more blog posts to this 3 yr old blog i realize that college as a whole is bullshit...In the context of bullshit i mean going to college does not guarantee u getting a job...Hell it doesnt even give u a better chance of getting a job (unless your studying to become a lawyer or doctor...When i was in college they (meaning faculty and ideals of the college) sold me the same bullshit they are still selling kids in college now...The economy wasn't nearly as bad as it is now and it was difficult to get a job then (in 2004)...These universities and colleges do nothing but sell dreams and get money...In essence they are a business, thats it...The only thing they present to 90% of students is a wonderful life experience where you get to meet interesting, diverse people from all around the world...College mainly expands your social skills and social circle...
College is the perfect scheme to get thousands of dollars from parents and students to fund the higher ups in the board rooms of the universities and their perspective cities that college is located in...some other bullshit about college is the student athlete...now we all know (or should know) that about only 1% of the student athletes for these schools are going to play sports professionally,so they are kinda excluded in this part of the rant since they will be paid for their talents when they leave college...with that in mind why do these institutions act like they are doing the students/athletes a favor by saying 'your getting an education for free so don't complain about not getting paid'...these universities make money hand over fist off of these students...schools with large football programs are funding the entire athletic department making millions of dollars while the student athletes get jack shit...they are profiting off the athletes name/number (they sell the jerseys=more money), talent on the field/court (ticket sales=more money) and championship titles (if the school wins it helps with recruiting not just student athletes but regular students=more money)....the NCAA rules don't even allow the athletes to work...in my opinion its just legal slavery (profiting from cheap or free labor)...College=money
I loved my 5 years in college but as a whole it was some bullshit financially and career wise...it didn't help me get the job i'm at now and its kinda preventing me from getting a regular part time job (to supplement my low income) from Wal-Mart or somewhere like that because i'm 'over qualified'...what kinda shit is that!?
p.s. - Go Clemson! and read this article I found on the 'net about the same thing i ranted about: http://theurbanrevival.com/2011/05/20/is-college-necessary/
p.s.s. - listen to KanYe West's - Late Registration skits...funny stuff
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