I was gonna rant about LeBron's questionable mental approach to high pressure situations but I decided to go a different route...I'm a LeBron fan (not a super fan and not a fan who thinks he's better than MJ. Never that!) and I noticed how he shied away from taking over the game in the 4th quarters of game 3-6...I can not defend his actions (or lack of actions) in the games but I do want to defend how he responds to the media and fans...Ok I understand how people don't like "The Decision" (though 9 million plus people watched it, including the new haters) and I understand people didn't like the coming out party/showcase for the Miami Big 3...but damn the way LeBron is being publicly castrated is ridiculous...
Since the Heat lost the Finals I'm hearing and reading all types of ridiculous comments...Jason Whitlock (writer/reporter) writes how the big 3 should be broken up...what kinda shit is this, they went to the Finals the 1st year together while having little team chemistry (they will gel better in the coming seasons) and he's talking about breaking them up?! C'mon Son! (word to Ed Lover)...then I heard some opinions how Coach Spo should be fired, seriously seriously...he coached 3 stars and low-level role players to the Finals in their 1st year together...this should not even have been discussed let alone considered...but LeBron is being criticized about everything...
he gets criticized about him not shooting the ball in the 4th (rightfully so I gotta agree), criticized about not answering the questions correctly, criticized about not putting all the blame on himself, criticized about predicting to win championships in Miami (isn't that the point of playing the game and the reason he left Cleveland), criticized about the way he walked off the court, criticized about what color suit he had on, etc. etc....I mean damn, he can do no right by the hall of fame players, current players, former teammates and owners (Mo Williams and Dan Gilbert are a bitch-made for their emotional tweets. Go
here to read it), NBA fans, the media, I mean by no one....

Charles Barkley disagreed with 'Bron when he said that he's a villain...I disagree with Barkley (I enjoy Barkley on TNT and any other media outlet) because according to the bashing he's been taking all year, he is a villain in the eyes of many in the public...I think LeBron should embrace it and just have the us (Miami Heat) against the world mentality and simply say f**k the hateration (shout out to Mary J. Blige)...
Once LeBron wins 1 championship all of these critical comments and hate will go away (we've seen it with John Elway, Dirk Nowitzki, Michael Jordan, Peyton Manning) and mark my words all of the LeBron haters will turn back into lovers again...I don't really understand why all of the hate from fans and former players when he turned down all the money and stardom in Cleveland so he could play with a better collection of players for less money...keep your head up 'Bron
P.S. - Cleveland sucks because of all this emotional hate...get over it, he left because the organization sucks (Dan Gilbert mainly) and didn't give him any decent help for 7 years and he still took the Cavs to a Finals and 2 consecutive 60 win season with D-League players...did you see what they did this past season?! (finished 19-63 while setting the single season consecutive loss record of 26)...Cleveland has 2 of the top 5 picks in this year's draft, make some good picks and Shut Up! (in Adam Sandler voice)
P.S.S. - Cleveland sucks so bad and are so trivial that even the Mayor of Cleveland makes the Mavs honorary Ohioans. Stupid and childish. That's why the city hasn't won a professional sports title since 1964 with Jim Brown & the Browns. and they won't win won soon neither (Indians-been bad for a while, decent this season but falling quick, Cavs-stink, Browns-worst in AFC north)