This is gonna be short and to the point...if you have a full QWERTY keyboard on your cell phone do NOT text me with damn near undecipherable text messages...i can understand if you had a phone that only had the normal 12 key keypad with each key sharing 3 characters...ok, shorten up the words so you won't have to hit one key 3 times to get the letter C....but if you have full keyboard don't shorten the 3 letter words with 1 letter or create some shortened words that don't make sense...one time someone texted me and it took me 4 minutes to figure out what the hell they were trying to say...
This tip also applies to writing emails, writing posts on facebook (no character limit there, its not Twitter)...I should not have to decipher simple english comments like its hieroglyphics...
p.s. - learn how to use the word "lose" correctly too...."loose" is not "lose", "loose" means not tight...cotdamn illiterate internet bamas
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