besides from the hideous plastic surgery jobs that mangled her face and body, notice the blotchy skin around the eyes...Lil Kim is clearly lightening her skin to appear white (i remember when I had a dream I was 'gettin loose' with Lil Kim [Kim from "How many licks" video] and woke up thinking it really happened. Damn Kim, we want that ol Kim back)...now even though Sammy Sosa is not black he's still a man of color (and in some people's eyes he is considered black since his skin is dark) and he's clearly bleaching his skin, look below at his before and now

what the hell Sammy...and he's telling the media that he has a skin disease, I highly doubt that...and here's the latest pic of a black celeb that looks damn near white....

that's Beyonce, now I know she isn't as dark as Sheryl Underwood (black comedienne, google her) but I know she isn't this light...what's really goin' on with black celebs not wanting to have their natural, nice dark or slightly dark skin tone...
when I refer to black people i'm specifically talking about African-Americans (i personally like the term Negro, it sounds powerful)...the African-American culture is one the most borrowed from cultures in all of the world...from the original music, everyday used innovations & inventions, food, slang vernacular, overall 'swag' (don't like using that term because its sooooo overused) and body type (every female now has or wants an ass rather its artificial or natural. Even females want full lips by using botox or surgery) every other culture has borrowed it...but on the flip side of it African-Americans are still the most 'shit' on culture in all of the world...Africans don't want be grouped in with African-Americans, in the U.S. all the other races (non-white) look down on us and some people still think we are the bottom feeders of a North American society...its rather sad
all i'm saying is be proud to be black don't be ashamed...yeah I eat fried chicken, I like watermelon, I want my food spicy, like loud music and like women who are not a size 0...you don't see Italians being ashamed of eating pasta (they are ashamed of 'MTV's Jersey Shore' though) or Asians being ashamed of eating rice...embrace your culture and looks, in the words of James Brown "Say it loud, I'M BLACK AND I'M PROUD"
p.s. - Represent Black History Month, learn at least one new thing for the month
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