This rant is not about one specific thought its just me blurtin' thoughts out...at my age i've fully figured out who I am and I'm totally comfortable with that...i have shortcomings that I've embraced and realize is a part of me...like I don't show emotions, I don't like to talk about my feelings to anyone nor show emotion...bout the only emotion I show often is happiness through laughter...I guess I still have some 'caveman' qualities or turn of the century man ideologies of showing emotion as a man is a sign of weakness...these emo dudes out here in my opinion favor women rather than men (soft lil bastards)...
I don't like being pressured or persuaded into anything I really DON'T wanna do...i don't like when a sales assistant in a clothing store tries to sell me clothes...or a car salesman tries to sell me a car...or those annoying fucks in the vendors in the mall hallways try to sell me some hand cream BS or when someone tries to convince me or corner me into a situation to get what they want...its so cotdamn aggravating
here in the U.S. some holidays are discouraging and cumbersome...like Valentine's Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas...2 of the 3 holidays i mentioned are supposed to be joyous occasions with friends and family...but for me the past 5 years has been aggravation and mentally draining...having to worry about gifts, if I have enough money for gifts, where I'm going for the holidays, who i'm spending the holidays with, the cold weather, the traffic and the people that cause the traffic...by Dec. 5 I can't wait to celebrate New Years because I wouldn't have to think and deal with this 'gobdy gook' (gobdy gook means 'shit' in PG rated terms)...Valentine's Day is just annoying in every single way (damn i'm like the Valentine's Day Grinch)
fuck the recession, fuck my job, fuck college education (only because it drains people's bank account paying high tuition), damn Sallie Mae and damn these high ass gas prices...10 dollars won't even get me 3 gallons of gas, ugh...
Tosh.0 is a funny show, if you haven't seen it watch it...his commentary about viral videos from the 'net is offensive and hilarious...and i wish Chappelle's Show had a full 3rd season (greatest skit show of the 21st century)...hard to believe its been 5 years since the last episode
and facebook is straight but i'm starting to get bothered that people know so much about me (my relationship status, what i did the night before, who i was with)..i'm really considering just not fuckin with it anymore...
Dudes if you wear skinny or super slim jeans, how is it comfortable for your nuts to breathe?...if I wear dress pants that feel a lil too snug I get incredibly uncomfortable...can't really understand dudes in skinny jeans, seems a lil feminine...