I guess this is just another instance of my grumpy old man personality poking his crotchety head out, but people letting their emotions and little gripes out on their Facebook status' is annoying as hell...now I shouldn't be annoyed or aggravated or disgruntled about this because Facebook allows you to get out your frustrations and socialize with friends and family but DAMN!... most of the time I don't wanna hear about it...
I see status posts about "how someone did me wrong and they are some backstabbing people that I know so forth and so on" or "today my best friend didn't listen to my problems so I'm going to tell all of the 'Facebook fam' (FBF for short) about my trials"...boo freakin hoo!!! ...i don't wanna hear about your little emotional problems with your boyfriend/girlfriend, best friend, long lost friend, enemy that used to be your friend, etc. ...i like reading status posts about funny stuff, current event happenings or where/what your doing (even though that's kinda of irrelevant and trivial)...
I know this rant will do nothing to deter some emo Facebook status updates, I just had to let my 'old man' feelings out...F'n emo Facebookers....
I had to get it out TOPolk, had to
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