I've met people that do nothing but good, kind to people and try to walk the 'right' path in life but things never quite work out the way it should...for example i noticed a person that goes the extra mile for others while shorting themselves short on luxury but can never get the same treatment in return...in fact they get shitted on when they ask for a little favor and the person they just helped will not return the favor...its akin to the middle child syndrome (its not really a syndrome i just couldn't think of another word)...the middle child in some families seems to always get the short end of the proverbial stick in family situations...
on the other end of the spectrum there are people that don't put any effort into anything they do but always seem to get 'the breaks' in life...these people may shit on others all day and will be the guy that will win a scratch off lottery ticket for $100,000...this will have you thinking 'how in the hell does he get the breaks and he treats people like bovine excrement'...i think this is the reason why some people don't like celebutantes/actresses like Paris Hilton, Lindsey Lohan, Nicole Richie, etc. because they get everything handed to them for doing basically nothing while exhibiting horrible behavior...but that's the hand the were dealt (rather silver spoon they were fed with)....
its a unfair part of life but its actual...people are dealt a certain hand in life and its their choice to deal with it or fold under the unfortunate situation they were given (damn I have alot of euphemisms in this rant relating to cards)...i guess that's what life is
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