Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Random Rant vol. 24: People are A$%holes pt.1

This is a rant that's been brewing for a while...its been brewing so long that I know that this will have to be broken up into several parts, so I present to you part 1...When I say people are assholes I not only mean people in the contiguous North American continent, I mean across the entire world...I think communists and dictatorship countries are assholes...the people that run these types of governments just control and tell people how to live, what to do and how they should think...now I must admit people in large groups are simple and most of the time stupid people but that does not give one person or small group of individuals the right to have total (or damn near total) authority of their lives...

for example in China they control the content you can view on the internet...its not like they are monitoring and condemning people from viewing dangerous terrorist content, you can't view adult entertainment there....so dictatorships and communists government officials are assholes...

another asshole is this lady I heard about in the news a few months back...A woman was out with her friends and she met a guy then left the club (or bar) with him...self-conscience about what her friends were thinking and saying about her leaving them behind for some late night love, the woman later accuses the guy of rape...this innocent man was sent up to the 'big house' for 4 years...after 4 years of imprisonment the woman finally admitted that she lied and he was released from prison...this woman is a complete asshole and should be sent up for at least 10 years...

why she's a asshole is because she blamed a innocent man of a heinous crime that no matter if he is innocent he's still looked at as a rapist (some people still refer to Kobe Bryant as a racist and he was completely innocent)...then he lost 4 years of his life he will never get back...my definition of a asshole is as follows: 1) being a complete jerk for no good, specific, logical reason 2) being a jerkoff for personal gain or 3) to be difficult simply for the fact for being difficult...so Communists, Dictators and this vile woman fit the definition...

part 2 coming later (its so many A-holes, its insane)


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