"I'm not a role model...Just because I dunk a basketball doesn't mean I should raise your kids"...these words couldn't be more true spoken by the outspoken NBA Hall of Famer, Charles Barkley...i know i haven't ranted in a while but i felt intrigued to spew out some random verbs and adjectives about celebrities and the pedestal we put them on...now this just doesn't not pertain just to actors, athletes and retarded "celebutantes like Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian (even though Kim's backside is quite nice), i'm also talking about politicians and other elected officials...
When David Letterman's sex scandal was revealed, people from all around the country gave the opinions...some were saying "I can't believe Dave would have relations with his interns" or "Dave should be fired from CBS for these acts"...my opinion, my honest opinion- its i don't give a fudge (substitute for the f-bomb) and others shouldn't either...why are people upset when people you see on tv or print have a sex scandal or do something amoral? ...the thing people don't realize is that these celebrities are people too just like you or I...they have sexual urges,addictions and problems like us...just because you see them everyday on the boob tube doesn't mean they have some special ability to escape human emotions and feelings...
By now it should not amaze or surprise anyone when an elected official gets caught with a hooker, young intern or a South American beauty (shout out to Mark Sanford)...i say look at these public figures as people that do the same stupid ish that me and you do on a day to day basis...i say if they don't use taxpayers money and can perform the job they were elected to do then damn it...i thought it was stupid, silly and waste of time to try and impeach former Pres. Clinton...so what he got some 'facetime' in the white house...it didn't effect his work so why make a 'stink' about it...plus he was just the only president we knew about that had extra marital affairs (except for Kennedy), this went on all the time with other presidents and officials in the nation's capitial
and for all the people that say "if i were in that position i would never take advantage of my power", you're just sayin that cuz you are not in that position...lets look at a situation: You are a rich, powerful television exec that has young females hitting on you constantly. They are ready and willing to do whatever you want, all you have to do is ask...now i have some morals about myself but damn, eventually i may test the waters and see what its like...
All i'm sayin is don't be so quick to judge and don't hold these people to Ghandi standards of living when you're living a life that's not so morally correct...
also people with no talent that are on these reality shows are not celebrities and the top songs on the radio are hideous...have you heard this song "Fireflies" by Owl City, its f'n hideous, terrible and horrendous...my gawd, this is the softest, fairy-esque song i've ever heard (damn that was random)