The definition of a Fuck Up is a person that will completely mess up any good thing or fuck up something that is 'unfuckupable' (something that can't be messed up)...you see this all the time in sports...there will be an athlete with the world in his hands and always ends up in jail, getting arrested, getting fined or finding himself in situations that puzzle the mind (like how long did he think he was gonna last hidin' in a trunk to evade the cops. Does Rae Carruth jog your memory?) ...

Lawrence Phillips is a classic fuck up... Phillips was a star running back for Nebraska in the Cornhuskers 90's dominance...He was a slight fuck up in college but when he got drafted by the Rams he let his 'fuckupedness' all out...He got arrested over and over & was givin chances over and over...when nobody from the NFL would pick him up again after his illustrious fuck ups, he went to another league and still was messing up....
I've come across plenty of people that have a little opportunity to do something meaningful with their time and manage to fuck it up...I knew people that received a new car and within 4 months, they wrecked in once, rebuilt the transmission and had work done on the engine...I mean how is that possible...or I knew someone who had a job at a restaurant and after a couple of months got fired...i really believe that no matter what opportunities a person is presented with, the talent they possess or how easy the task is, some people will royally fuck it up without question...
here are my list of all time fuck ups:
Lawrence Phillips - countless arrests
Ryan Leaf - just got arrested again this year of '09
Pacman Jones (or Adam Jones as he wants to be called now)
Plaxico Burress (tho he had no other mishaps, shooting urself in a club in NY is a Fuck Ups trait)
People who drop out of high school to do absolutely nothing, i mean nothing
(they don't even commit crimes to pass the time and get money, damn!)
People of the show "COPS"
George W. Bush (damn that's a cheap shot)
Jeff Conaway (was on 2 seasons of Celebrity Rehab, former Grease star)
...and countless others i'll name later
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