As the day draws near to seeing vick in a eagles jersey in a game, the animal rights nuts are coming full force. Personally, I'm glad to see Vick back on the field simply because of his wow factor.
Now let's get into the meat of the subject at hand. Should Vick be able to play in the nfl? He should because he paid his debt to the govt by serving damn near 2 yrs in the 'clink'. Now don't get me wrong, what he did was completely heinous and quite inhumane. I kno he funded the operation but i don't kno if he killed or maimed or administered the terrible actions against the dogs. But if he did do that then its f'd up. People say that NFL is insensitive to animals and just cares bout money, well shit that's true. The NFL has already punished him for a season and possibly half of another one. They are doing the same as the govt, giving him another chance.
By the way, the govt really didn't care all that much about the dog fighting but rather the gambling and illegal activity over state lines. That's what he served his time for, illegal gambling and funding of an illegal activity over state lines, not the dog fighting. So I guess the federal gov't is insensitive to animals too. (Federal gov't only cares bout money too, point blank period. If you get money the wrong way they'll get from you from fines or jail time).
What do these protestors want Vick to do with the rest of his life? He already served the time, is he just supposed to live in obscurity forever. There's damn near been more of an uproar over Vick than 0J and the murders (and he supposedly killed 2 PEOPLE. I know I know, he did that shit). I thought this is ideal objective of prison, to have the prison rehabilate a guy so when he gets out he could live a prosperous legal life. Seems that's what Vick is doing.
Another thing I noticed was the racial divide on the issue. Most white people think he shouldn't be allowed to make millions of dollars while most ethnic people say he should. I don't have a clear cut answer why this is but I think its because ethnic people don't value a animal's life like a human's life. Since some ethnic people think they are being mistreated from other people (most likely white people. Don't misinterpret me, I'm not racist..i was in a relationship with a white female for many years [Damn that's some cliche ish to say]), they don't have the mentality that animal's life is a valued as equal to theirs.
All I kno is people that watch football and some Eagles fans are saying they won't watch an Eagles game. That is complete bull, cuz as soon as kickoff week begins they'll be sitting right there in front of the flat screen with a beer and chips watchin the action. Just wait til u see a break out play from Vick and watch the resentment die down dramatically. Besides there's more important issues in the U.S..
Oh yeah check Phonte from Little Brother and The Foreign Exchange (one of my fav groups) take on the issue from his podcast titled Gordon Gartrell Radio....
Gordon Gartrell Radio ep15
holla, (4o)ur
Big Boi Speaks on the Sir Lucious Leftfoot album from www.mauricegarland.com on Vimeo.