If there is one reason not to vote for McCain it is because he has Sarah Palin as a running mate...I must admit i'm not a political genius but I can see if someone is completely unqualified and "over their skis" to hold a political office...i saw it when George W. Bush was elected that he was a numbnut and I can see it now the Sarah Palin is retarded...just look at her interviews (which are very very limited) she has done...the one with Katie Couric, she just stammers over her answers which tells me that she doesn't have a CLUE of what she's talkin bout...
I know its been said a 1000 times but still think about this- if McCain wins then unfortunately kicks the bucket, this Alaskan ultra-conservative woman will BECOME COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF of the United States...that alone should persuade you to vote for Obama or if you're an independent, Ron Paul...if it sounds like I'm a Obama supporter or "homer" becuz I am....Cot damn this broad (Palin) is dumb as a fence post...Yeah a metal fence post...
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not bad.
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