I was wondering what happened to Freddy P (as he's now known)...check the vid for the interview..
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Stuff of hilarity: Showbiz Pizza - Love in this club
Apparently someone owns these classic animatronic characters from the old restaurant Showbiz Pizza which is now Chuck E. Cheese...the characters are singin right along with Usher's - Love in this club track kinda of creative and brings me back when I was like 5 years old...goin to Showbiz Pizza was a treat whenever my parents took me and my brother...I only remember goin like 3 times but i loved the pizza (which i'm sure was terrible, but my young palette didn't know any better)...i thought these characters were fun but when I look at em now they look down right creepy and kinda scary...know i see why some kids are scared of Chuck E. Cheese now (he's a big rat) cuz the Rock-afire Explosion are scary looking...peep it...
Spreadin the real: Lebron "Rise" Nike commercial
Once again Nike puts out another great commerical...i'm really feelin this commerical...and to all the haters that hate on Bron Bron piss all of the haterade out...peep it...
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Spreadin the real: Mark Schlereth goin off bout the NFL
I have to say that the head hunting hits (where tacklers lead with their head to hit the offensive player in the head) that players should be fined...but otherwise they shouldn't...this past weekend we saw a lot of hard hits in NFL games...perhaps least hardest hits were from James Harrison of the Pittsburgh Steelers...he got fined $75,000 for legal hits (he didn't get flagged for in the game)...he's so upset that he's stated he may retire because of the rules the NFL are instituting and enforcing...in my opinion hits are a part of the game and the NFL is on some bullshit for their fining of Harrison...here's Mark Schlereth on ESPN goin off on the NFL...peep it
Spreadin the REAL real: Young Guru on artists vs. record labels
I'm very pleased that someone in the game is speakin the truth about what a up and coming artists should do not become a slave to the record company...and that's basically to stay independent and not sign to a major record label...i always thought it was some backwards shit what record labels do...the artist writes the song, records the song and then performs the song but the labels keep all the publishing and rights to the song...what kind of legal slavery ish is that...peep the legendary Young Guru speaking about the industry and its future...
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Spreadin the real: Erykah Badu speaks truth
I've always thought for the last 2 to 3 years these songs are all sounding like some European techno shit...and most of it has, David Guetta has produced a lot of recent hits like Akon - Sexy Bitch and Flo Rida - Club can't hold me down...its a place for it but damn its seems that's all you hear from R&B and Hip Hop...i understand why R&B may be flooded with these type of beats but damn the Hip Hop game is also...I'm just sayin....apparently Ms. Badu has similar thoughts....here's her quote from somewhere:
How y’all gone stand by and let our music turn into pop techno cornball ass music. We don’t own our music no more. Come to think of it, did we EVER own it? when I say own our music , I’m not talkin bout the artist I’m talkin bout the people … let me be quiet. I wanna hear from the young people? easy for me to complain about this techno-pop cause i have a taste for something else. but how do u feel? These rappers ought to be shame of they damn selves, I’m talkin bout the mc’ s rappin over this pop techno music. I believe in pimpin the system buy got DAMN! not like this. #pop-technosongs. I like the idea of no distinction in race when it comes 2 music, but SOULkeepers, U dont give up the boom bip and the hump 4 the payday. I love house and techno as a side dish .But now it’s served as the main course AND that’s ALL u gone get. like chittlins in the back house. I love music PERIOD. just not ready to say goodbye to the boom bip and the hump .. kinda painful for my generation to see. just strange 2me. Yes, no1 wants 2B poor again. artist have2 sacrifice integrity of the music sometimes 2 make ends meet. this is understood.but gotDAMN now. if you’ve never tasted good p*ssy your satisfied with ass hole. (that’s terrible ain’t it .) lol
- Erykah Badu
- Erykah Badu
Deion Sanders aka Primetime aka Neon Deion #34!?
The most entertaining, athletic and feared cornerback/kick returner in NFL history has got to be Deion Sanders...absolutely entertaining to watch, I was pleased to see "Primetime" join the 'Boys back in 95 to help Dallas capture the 3rd title in the 90's...I remember watching games where the opposition would not even throw in his direction...I mean literally they would not throw in his direction because of his blanket coverage and potential for a "pick 6"...here's a clip of Primetime upset for being selected as the 34th best player in NFL history...he's a little ticked off at his ranking and should be...he should at least be in the top 20, he was the epitome of the shutdown corner...peep and be entertained
here's some bonus footage of Deion as "Powder" from How High
here's some bonus footage of Deion as "Powder" from How High
Monday, October 18, 2010
Stuff of hilarity: Funny sexist ads
I'm not a sexist but these old ads from the 50's and 60's are so insanely sexist that its hilarious...peep em
The sexual innuendo in this ad is incredible..

Another ad with sexual innuendos...damn stacked for convenience, like the woman was an actual object for 'boning' only...

Wow wow wow...incredible what was socially acceptable to print back in the days...now you can't even hint at offending people without public criticism...
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Spreadin the real: My fav BET cyphers from '10
One of the only good few programs that BET airs is the Hip Hop Awards show with their best segments being the cyphers...i really liked some of the cyphers in past years but this year i'll post my fav cyphers from this year...the group with Royce da 5'9" was ok but imma post it because Royce's verse was one of the best I've heard out of all the cyphers from years past...the other is the G.O.O.D. music cypher (everybody that spit was nice as hell)...peep it...
G.O.O.D. music cypher
Cypher with Royce da 5'9"
Bonus cypher, hip hop legends and their sons (Diggy is the illest)
G.O.O.D. music cypher
Cypher with Royce da 5'9"
Bonus cypher, hip hop legends and their sons (Diggy is the illest)
Monday, October 11, 2010
Stuff of hilarity: Denzel Washington working in Macy's
This guy Jay Pharoah's impression of Denzel is incredibly dead on...dude's incredible...peep it
Monday, October 04, 2010
KanYe West on SNL - Power
Even if you don't like Mr. West (he's cool with me) because of his antics, rants and tirades, you have to admit he can perform and entertain an audience with his creative performances...here's the perpormance on SNL for his lead single "Power"...peep it...
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