This is an ill design and concept from the company that revolutionized the vacuum cleaner...the design of these fans are ill, they don't have any blades on the fans...check the video...they are available now at (pretty costly though)...peep it...
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Innovations: Microsoft Kinect
The Nintendo Wii has ushered in a new side of gaming when they came out with the remote...Sony will have their version, Playstation Move and now Microsoft will have their version with the Microsoft Kinect...the difference between Microsoft's technology and Sony & Nintendo's is there are no controllers...its motion sensor just goes off of your movement...this is ill, peep the video to see what I mean...(i'm a playstation guy but i might consider getting a 360 since this will be available and Microsoft will release a slim version of the 360 also. Plus i'm pissed that the PS3 40 gb version is not backward compatible to playing PS2 games, that doesn't even make sense. I don't know how i didn't know this especially since the PS3 has been out since '06. I tried to play Mortal Kombat: Armeggedon and couldn't play the shit)...peep it
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Random Rant vol. 26: People are A$%holes pt.2

the higher ups in the oil companies could give a F*$& about safety and environment (pertaining to if there's an oil spill it would ruin the ecosystem in the ocean therefore f'n up the food supply for seafood lovers)...they just care about the bottom line, profits!...i wanna make crazy amounts of money like the next man but if it comes at the expense of seriously hurting or killing people (workers have died on the oil rig and workers are having difficulty breathing trying to clean up the spill) then i don't want it...

which brings me to the next point, war...the people that fund and start wars are complete rhinoceros pizzel (quote from Coming to America, Semmi said it)...they don't start wars to protect the country or give people freedom from tyrannical governments, no they do it because you can make cold hard cash from wars...these f$&*ers could give 2 cents about how the people in war are living (this includes soldiers, soldiers families, civilians in the country of the war)...they just know they are going to make a millions and billions of dollars...this current Iraqi Freedom fiasco is now at a cost of a TRILLION dollars to taxpayers (damn I hate taxes [sales, car, luxury, food, alcohol. Surprisingly there's no tax on gas, interesting])... imagine the money war companies are making (Tony Stark would have made a killing this past decade if he were a real person)...fuck these dicks...
p.s. - We should get out of "Vietnam 2.0" (the current war we are in) because I've come to the conclusion that these middle eastern dudes will fight forever until the end of time and you can't win (they will kill themselves at will and raise their kids to do the same. How can you fight that!?)...also i don't think that that part of the world needs or wants a democratic, free will society like us so we should just leave em alone and cut our losses...
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
Spreadin the real: Mortal Kombat movie redone
The trailer to this movie looks f'n incredible...i liked the first Mortal Kombat movie mainly because i'm a Mortal Kombat gamer and wanted to see the video game materialize to a live action movie...but now that I look at this trailer I realize that the movie should have been like this (the original movie is shit compared to this)...this looks crazy and I cannot wait til this comes out (either straight to DVD or silverscreen, tho it looks like this will hit the movie theatres)...good goobly goop peep it....
Monday, June 07, 2010
Spreadin the real: Game and Cassidy = heavy bars
whenever i see lyrical talent i get excited...especially when i hear Cassidy spit somethin acapella...peep the skill of Game and Cassidy...pure talent
Another Cleveland don't leave ad
This is simply amazing the attention LeBron's getting from these NBA cities (New York, Chicago and Cleveland)...i've never seen this much fan press to get a player to play for their city...I root for the underdog in some situations and this is definitely one of those situations...the city of Cleveland needs LeBron like Detroit needs a boost in car production factories...i hope he stays in Cleveland for the city's economy, hell for entire state of Ohio...
Thursday, June 03, 2010
Tip of the Week #11: Don't aggravate restaurant workers

...i say be respectful and show a little decorum because i always fear and think that those dudes in the back preparing your meal may get ticked off because the food keeps coming back and might do vile things to your know like spit in it, drop it on the floor, shit it in it, drop bird poop in your salad, piss in your lemonade, you know stuff like that...just kindly ask the waiter/waitress to give you what you requested instead of giving attitude...(i don't even like to eat with people who complain about their food all the time to the waiters cuz i think they might f- up my food. Just wait til my food comes to the table then you can complain all you want)
and for godsakes sometimes it ain't that hard to just take the pickles off of your burger if you didn't want them, instead of sending it back for them to take off 3 pickles
Spreadin the real: Drake and The Cool Kids are...

We are now in the middle of '10 and approaching the beginning of the summer album releases....most anticipated for the summer of '10: Drake - Thank me later, The Roots - How I
got over, Nicki Minaj's release and The Game - R.E.D. album (don't expect anytime soon since Interscope pushed the album back indefinitely)...well Drake's album Thank me later as already leaked 15 days before its official release and I must say that its well worth the wait (since '09 when "So Far Gone" mixtape dropped)...the album is definitely solid, its an album you can listen to without skipping any tracks...
All the tracks are original, fresh and entertaining...I noticed the hate on Drake (on the 'net and in the streets) and I don't see why because he can actually rap with thought provoking, insightful lyrics...then to add he can actually carry a note without using autotunes over creative beats...another piece of music to check for is The Cool Kids latest mixtape venture with Los Angeles Leakers named Tacklebox....

the tacklebox has all new tracks with that old school 80's feel while Mikey Rocks and Chuck Inglish spit their fashion riddled, sports reference raps...definitely download this mixtape (this 'tape gave me some satisfaction because i was saddened by the release of Young Jeezy - Trap or Die II. Trap or Die II seemed too redundant [beats sounded similar] though some tracks are good) go download or buy Drake's album (on June 15th) and d'load the Cool Kids mixtape....
p.s. - Wiz Khalifa's OJ and Kush mixtape is worth a listen or two also
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