Thursday, February 18, 2010

Stuff of hilarity: Palin is a retard

You can tell its a slow work day for me cuz this is the 4th post today...but i wanted to share some hilarity from the Colbert Report about Palin...damn she's simple

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Sarah Palin Uses a Hand-O-Prompter
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorSkate Expectations


Spreadin the real: Waka on mARCandE's blog

I've gotta admit after listening to this interview I have gained a little more respect for Mr. Flame aka Fuzzy Bear bka Waka Flocka Flame...he was completely 100 with what he was sayin about himself and is place in hip hop...cotdamn, O let's do it Hey!!!...peep it


Tip of the week #9: He is not your friend!

This is a tip to females for all my dudes that try to tell their female (girlfriend, fiance or wife) about the dudes she claims is her really good friend...This is not to say that females and males cannot be friends but if a dude is texting and calling you fairly consistent then he's not only your friend ladies!...he is a dude that if you gave him the chance, he would f*** the brakes off of your hoo hah (hoo hah is slang for vagina)...he can be nice and seem like the best friend ever but don't get fooled, he 'wants' you...

to my fellas if you're not skeptical of that male friend that always texts and calls your girl who is not gay, be skeptical...cuz you should already know he is campaigning for that hoo hah...put your foot down and let it be known that is not acceptable (i almost sound like Ike with the last line)...


Spreadin the real: Freeway and Jake One

In 2010 we have our first surprise album which is Freeway and Jake One's - The Stimulus Package...a very surprising solid album like Freeway's 2nd album (Free at last)...the beats are ill and Philly Freezer lyrics are always up to par (check the track 5 Never gonna change, lyrics are crazy but the beat is ridiculous)...

be sure to pick it up from Best Buy or whatever or d'load from the 'net (though i'm sayin support the artist and buy a copy...shout out to Eric [my blood bro] cuz he still supports artists by purchasing albums)...peep the album tho...


Monday, February 15, 2010

Spreadin the real: The Boondocks and ATHF!!!

To my delight The Boondocks will start season 3 on March 28th (i didn't even know this til i read's blog)...either way i'm excited that season 3 will finally get aired...also in cartoon news my other favorite cartoon geared towards adults Aqua Teen Hunger Force started their 7th season on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim Feb. 7th (already missed the 1st ep.)...I'm so behind with ATHF that i didn't even get vol. 5 and 6 dvds and they were released in '08 (ATHF DVDs might be the only DVDs i actually purchase from the store)...


Monday, February 08, 2010

Tip of the Week #8: Don't chew with your mouth open

This tip of the week is again a cosmetic tip...i'm by no means an etiquette coach or teacher but rather a person that knows what is wrong to do around other people....for gawd's sake (that's the southern accent way to say God) when you're eating around mixed company chew your food with your cotdamn mouth closed...i understand if you're with your boys and yall just chillin but when you're around a female or your moms chew your food with your mouth closed...

the main reason i'm givin this tip is cuz when i'm around some females who chew with their mouth open it aggravates the piss outta me...not cuz its improper it because its annoying to hear someone smackin on their frappin' you allow the chance that food can be ejected from your pie hole which is super close this blog entry, just remember to close your freakin mouth when you chew your damn food...

p.s. - for some reason when people eat chips the crunching noise annoys me too...even when someone chews with their mouth close that noise still annoys me...amazingly it doesn't annoy me when i eat chips


Thursday, February 04, 2010

Black History Fact: 1st Black pres.

Last year i gave yall a little fact for Black History month speaking about the rocket scientist who invented the famous Super Soaker water gun (fun times back in the day with the Super Soaker)...this year I hafta acknowledge our current president, Barack Obama for being the 1st black president in the United States 200+ yr. history....

I was fortunate (and I was cold as a witch's tit) to be in Washington D.C. at the inauguration for President Obama in was a momentous event and i'm glad to have pictures and videos of my mom and I at the shout out to Barack Obama and family for becoming the 1st president and family in the White House...that's black history
