It took me a long time to finally get around to creating a profile on facebook and it took me just as long to create a myspace page...the only reason why i created a facebook profile was to use the movie queue application for blockbuster since the movie queue was screwed up on my account...but since i did create one i've been on the wretched site everyday reading and confirming friend requests (cotdamn Facebook and their easy way of connecting of old high school and college friends)...
i got suckered into those social networking sites but i refuse to get pulled in by the newest internet social networking craze that is retardly (not sure if that's even a word) named my honest opinion i do not see the point of telling people every minute of the day what i'm doing...Hell, on my status section on facebook i don't even say what i'm feeling or doing...i just quote an ill hip hop verse on it and plug this blog...

Why in the hell would i wanna tell you "3 minutes ago i sat in my chair and watched an episode of Andy Griffith" then "at 9 o'clock i went upstairs to take a piss and it was stinky, lol"...that shit just seems so trivial to tell total strangers what i'm doing...i honestly don't think people give a rat's cooter (country reference like saying rat's ass but in this instance i'm sayin Rat's Vagina) what i'm doin...i don't think i'm that special that people wanna kno my every move...
now i have people that i'm real cool with that twit (or twat or have twatted or have twitted...whatever the hell you call past tense twittering) on twitter and that's cool but i can't subject myself to tell what i feel and/or doing...shit, i don't like expressing my emotions in person to close relatives or friends so i kno i'm not gonna tell random strangers across the i don't need anything else to get addicted to because i'm already addicted to my blackberry that has a myspace and facebook app and texting and the internet and google maps (that app is incredible, forget paying 10 a month for GPS service)....
with all that said, check my blog in 2 weeks and i'll give you my twitter name....Damn this mindless technology!!!!