Over the past I'll say 8 years mindless shit has been filtered in our everyday lives. This includes retarded non-creative songs (Soulja Boy - Yaah Trick Yaah), stupid scripted reality shows (Paris and Nicole Richie - Simple Life) and uninspired, non-witty movies (Epic Movie, Date Movie)...I don't know if people are getting dumber or writers, musicians, actors don't have anymore ideas and are putting out any"damn"thing...
I don't think its the latter because I've seen some creative movies and after sifting through the mindless music on the internet and radio, found some real gems (Blu and Exile - Below the heavens, damn that album is still so solid, also Murs for president)...so that brings me to people have gotta be getting dumber to accept this shit as entertainment...the thing that got me to rant on this subject is the television catastrophe that is Paris Hilton's My BFF...
oh my damn this show is completely horrible...not only is Paris Hilton a non-talented, socialite harlot, she stains my existance as a human by starring in a show basically about nothing...now this is not the genius premise of a show about nothing like Seinfeld (I was so late on how great that show was) Noooooo! Paris Hilton's show is about her finding a new best friend to hang out with...its so stupid because 1) the show is scripted like all reality shows, 2) she will never be "actual" friends with these people and 3) the contestants on the show actually, actually look up to "the salamander" like she is someone with talent or relevance or beauty or intelligence...
my complaint to all of this mindless drivel of a waste time, is why don't writers and such create something with substance...its just dumb 'ish' after more dumb 'ish'...i really feel wrong to the core watching stuff like this, I think I may actually start to get "stupider" (see its happenin already and i'm just writing about it) watching this 'ish'...people don't play into this uncreative 'ish', watch and listen to some good, quality 'ish'...here's a short list of stuff that's ill:
Good: American Gangster on BET, ESPN, Jay-Z, Joell Ortiz, XXL magazine, Tropic Thunder, The Dark Knight, a book by Russell Simmons, Kill Bill vol. 1 and 2, etc.Bad: anything affilated with Paris Hilton, damn near everything on MTV, most reality shows (all of them are scripted, even though I watched Flavor of Love for the pure hilarity), any music that creates a hokey dance just for that one song and other retarded 'ish' i can't rememberholla,